Read Articles in English:

The Blood Pressure Code (stern 2015)
This is the story of a scientist who set out to solve one of the greatest medical riddles – what causes high blood pressure? For twenty years he has been researching a deadly hereditary disease with his team, and the results of his medical mystery will revolutionize pharmaceutical research.
>> Read Article at www.stern.de

Dangerous Healers (stern Cover Story 2014 / cancer world 2015)
Winner of the Pulsus Award 2015.
People diagnosed with cancer often explore how alternative practitioners might help. Some can, or at least do no harm. But the chances of running into a charlatan whose advice could be fatal are shockingly high, as this undercover investigation, first published in the German magazine stern, demonstrates.
>> Read Article at www.cancerworld.org

Revolutionizing Toilets (Geo 2012 / Geo India 2013)
Winner of the Fraunhofer Umsicht Award 2014
What to do with the excreta of 7 billion people? And how can the world’s poor be afforded the dignity of a personal toilet? Engineers, ecologists and social workers are finally coming up with some inventive ideas to tackle this large-scale human problem.
>> Read Article (pdf-file)

Alzheimer’s: Could the key to a cure be found in Colombia
(Geo 2011 / Geo India 2012)

Winner of the Journalist Award of the German Society of Neurology

Some Neurologists believe that a genetic mutation common in the Andean villages of Antioquia could be a step towards the first effective drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. A bold experiments where the stakes are high – and so are the risks.
>> Read Article (pdf-file)

In the Jungle of the Miracle Healers (Spiegel 2012 / cancer world 2012)
It was her own fault that she lost her chance to be cured. Or was it? This article, which was first published in the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, and won its author a Best Cancer Reporter Award, explores what makes people choose alternative over conventional treatments.
>> Read Article (pdf-file)

The Junkie Old Folks’ Home (Spiegel 2012 / Spiegel International 2012)
The junkies from the 1970s are getting older and many still haven't kicked the habit. An experimental home in the Netherlands provides them a safe place to live – and do drugs. Many will likely stay there for the rest of their lives.
>> Read Article at www.spiegel.de